Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

True Crime: New York City cheats

Unlimited ammunition:

Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Square, X, Square(2), Triangle at the CompStat/Map screen.

Unlimited endurance:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Square, X, Square, X, Circle at the CompStat/Map screen.

Double damage:
Hold L1 + R1 and press X(2), Square, X(3) at the CompStat/Map screen.

$1 million:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Square(2), Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square at the CompStat/Map screen.

Super cop mode:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Triangle(2) at the CompStat/Map screen. Do a badge warning to completely lower your Rogue status.

Ultra easy mode:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Square, X(2), Triangle, Circle at the CompStat/Map screen.

Redman Gone Wild mini-game option:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, X(2), Circle, Triangle, Square at the CompStat/Map screen. Alternately, get a 100% game completion. Go to the location given by Redman when he calls.

All music tracks:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Square, Circle, Square at the CompStat/Map screen.

Fights open:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Square(2), Circle(2), Square at the CompStat/Map screen.

Street Races open:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle(2), X(2), Triangle at the CompStat/Map screen.

Zombie mode:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Square, X at the CompStat/Map screen. Marcus will have no head, arms, or legs, with blood appearing from the stumps. Repeat the code to only have his torso appear.

Ghetto city:
Hold L1 + R1 and press X, Square, X, Triangle(3) at the CompStat/Map screen.

New costume in Puma Store:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Triangle, X, Circle, Square at the CompStat/Map screen. Alternately, collect all ten pairs of Puma shoes hidden in the city, then go to the Puma Shoe store to get the Puma Shoes costume.

Debug mode:
Press Start to pause game play, then enter the CompStat/Map screen. Quickly press L1 + R1, Right, then hold L1 + R1. The music player should appear over the CompStat to confirm correct code entry. Release L1 + R1 then press Left to display the debug mode menu.

Enable the "Debug mode" code. Enter the debug menu and scroll down to "Debug Combat" followed by "Default". Press Right so that it now appears as "No Player Damage". Marcus will now be invincible. Note: You still will fall down when something explodes and run around when on fire.

Vehicle ranks:
Reach the indicated rank to have the corresponding vehicle available in the police garage.

Detective Rank 1: 6.5L V8 Custom SUV
Detective Rank 2: 5.4L SC V8 Coupe
Detective Rank 3: 2.5L L4 Sedan
Detective Rank 4: 6.0L V8 Coupe
Detective Rank 5: 3.5L V6 Sedan

Weapon and ability ranks:
Reach the indicated rank to have the corresponding weapons and abilities available in the police armory .

Detective Rank 1: 5.56mm Carbine, 7.62 Auto Sniper, Flashbang, Slo-Mo Dirve x2
Detective Rank 2: .45 Special, Tactical Shotgun, 5.56mm Bullpup AR, Sledge Hammer, Precision Aim Assist
Detective Rank 3: 4.6 MM PDW, Assault Rifle, Tranquilizer, Sunt Baton, Zoom 4x
Detective Rank 4: Stun Gun, 9MM SMG, Standard Shotgun, Slo-Mo Dive

Driving skill ranks:
Reach the indicated rank to have the corresponding weapons driving skills available in the police garage.

Detective Rank 1: Nitro Boost
Detective Rank 2: Side Wheelie
Detective Rank 3: Peel Boost
Detective Rank 4: Switchblade
Detective Rank 5: Insta-turn

Hint: Taking out key suspects:
To disarm key suspects easier without killing them, raise your Detective level by solving street crimes to unlock the Taser pistol and Tranquilizer rifle (found in police station's basement armory). These work well for safely capturing key suspects without killing them accidentally, and is much easier than trying to get an aim on their arms or legs for a "neutralizing shot".

Hint: Inspecting trunks:
To inspect a civilian's car trunk to see if they have illegal items, stand in front of their car and press Select to show the driver your badge. The driver will get out and stand at the side of the door. Get to the back of the car and press L2. You will open the car's trunk. If the driver has an illegal item he will start to run. You can shoot the driver in the arm or leg (when the crosshairs are blue). The driver will fall and you can arrest him or her.

Hint: Neutralizing criminals:
To neutralize a criminal person that is running, take out your stun gun and use it until his or her health is gone. You can then arrest him or her.

Hint: Getting criminals to surrender:
Enemies are more likely to surrender if you fire a warning shot from a gun larger than theirs. You can then proceed to arrest them without starting a gunfight. Note: This does not always work.

Hint: Fighting styles:
If you are having trouble completing a fighting mission where you must fight thugs hand-to-hand, it is best to drive around to different Dojos when not on a mission to learn different fighting styles. Some styles are better used on some opponents than others. The best styles are Thai Boxing and Tae Kwon Do. They seem to be effective on a wider variety of opponents and can defeat more fighting styles than other ones. Also, do not overlook your default "Brawling" fighting moves as they can prove very effective against some of the fancier martial arts like Wushu. Switch between styles while in combat to find the best one for each situation. If you can score hits with combos of three or more moves on one opponent without them blocking any of your hits (or stunning them), then your style is better than theirs. Also, during the "fight club" mini-missions you can sometimes get a hint as to what styles your opponents are going to use by the little gestures and moves they make before the beginning of a match.

The best fighting style is the simple "knock down and boot!" strategy. To do this, purchase the skill from the dojo where you change your normal radial attack into a roundhouse kick. Then when you are fighting someone, always attack first with a roundhouse (X + Square) to knock them on the floor. Then, just repeatedly kick them while they are on the floor. You also could grab them up (Circle) and try a grapple on them.

Hint: Fighting strategy:
When fighting hand-to-hand or unarmed against multiple opponents, do not let yourself get surrounded. Even though you can block attacks by holding R2, you can still get hit from behind. Try to single out opponents and focus on one at a time. Hold R2 to block anytime your not on the offense and strike immediately after an opponent attacks (and you block). Block any moves thrown at you, then quickly release R2 and tap X(3) to stun the opponent with three quick strikes. Then, immediately follow up with three heavy strikes (Square) to knock them to the ground. This gives you time to run over and kick them while they are down, or focus your attention on other opponents. Make sure you learn the Dojo move for the ground attack so you can knock away opponents around you and get up quickly if you find yourself kissing the pavement. If you are fighting opponents that are slower than you or are constantly using heavy attacks, hold R2 and tap Circle as they attack to do a counter-grapple move. If you happen to get grabbed by an opponent or knocked to the ground and they are on top of you, move the Left Analog-stick back and forth to break free or do a counter-attack. If your opponents are armed for melee in any way (with debris, pieces of the environment, or with any hand-to-hand weapon), immediately back off and look for a weapon. Chances are you fill find one laying around if your opponents have one. It is important you match your opponent, otherwise you cannot block their attacks. If possible, out-do them weapon-wise. If they have a club, grab a blade. If they have a blade, grab a blade and a club. Never forget you can fight with more than one melee weapon.

Hint: Defeating hand to hand combatants:
Another way to defeat some enemies is to grab them, attack with either X or Square button, then kick them until they get up. This is done when not in stealth, but when in hand to hand combat.

Hint: Defeating President Lincoln:
When fighting President Lincoln makes sure that you have bought the tranquilizer gun at the police armory when you have reached the second rank. Stand in the room with all the thugs. Shoot out the window and zoom in on Lincoln across the scaffold. Shoot him until he passes out. Then, interrogate him.

Hint: Sour Candy mission: Easy completion:
In the Palermo mission "Sour Candy", follow Candy up the climbing wall to the track. Instead of starting the race, go in the opposite direction. For the first two sets of hurdles, break the ones in the center lane by running into them. Then, break the last two sets of hurdles on the inside lane of the track. This will allow you to run in the race and not have to jump. Candy will be forced to jump over the hurdles slowing her down, so you can catch her more easily.

Hint: Non-fatal shots:
When arresting people without killing them, go into aim mode by pressing R3. Put your sight over either their arm or leg, wait for it to turn blue, then shoot. They will fall to the ground, and you can then arrest them. This is useful for increasing your Good Cop rank.

Hint: Faster shotgun reloading:
when using a shotgun, slow reloading can be a big problem. When you start to reload a shotgun and just stand there, it is very slow. Start running around to reload almost three times as fast.

Hint: Stun gun precision aim:
The game normally will not let you go into precision aim mode with the stun gun. However, there a way to do this. Select the stun gun from your weapons, then press Down to enter your fighting styles. Press R3 to enter precision aim. You are now armed with the stun gun in precision mode. You can fire shot busts of electric charge from it at close range. It has little effect and is more for amusement purposes. To exit, press Left, Right or Square.

Hint: Recommended vehicles:
The best vehicles to use at Detective Rank 2 is the 5.4L SC V8 coupe; and at Detective Rank 4 the 6.0L V8 coupe. If you use the 6.0L coupe, make sure to take it to a garage and get a street upgrade. Also, if you find one of the bullion vans driving around, hijack one. These will push any car out of the way, and in one hit you can sometimes put a car on black smoke. If you are stuck on the last driving arena mission (one lap around Central Park), just keep hitting her car in this truck to get her stuck for an easy win. The only problem with this vehicle is cornering. Do not be afraid to use this vehicle like a rhino.

Hint: Easy races:
Purchase the Lamborghini and give it the police upgrade. When you start the race, turn on your sirens. Civilian cars will scurry to get out of your way. Note: Try to stay in one lane, otherwise they will swerve back and forth between lanes.

Hint: Fire any weapon in vehicle:
Usually you are only able to fire your .32 auto (the small default pistol) while in a vehicle and cannot use other weapons you have while driving. To use any weapon of your choice in any vehicle, tap L2 to enter or commandeer a vehicle as usual, but then press Down to switch from hand-to-hand combat to firearms and quickly press Left or Right to select any weapon you have in your inventory before Marcus gets into the car. You can now use the weapon of your choice while driving around. This is especially useful if you have a high-powered or automatic weapon with you while chasing down suspects fleeing in vehicles.

Hint: Get cops to stop shooting you:
Sometimes, when you are in your street clothes and shoot at someone in front of a cop, the cop will start shooting at you. To get them to stop, simply turn towards them and press Select to flash your badge at them. They should then stop shooting at you.

Hint: Provoke citizens to fight you:
This is a very good way to clean up all precincts quickly, without getting a Bad Cop rating. Get in a car and ram into another car that someone is driving. The driver will get out of their car angry and start provoking you while throwing a big fit. Get out of your car while they are still throwing a fit and wait until you see a health bar over their head. You can now beat them down and arrest them for a quick and easy three Good Cop and three Career points. You can repeat this until you clean up the area.

Hint: Character upgrades:
As your rank gets better (5 being the worse, and 1 being best), you can buy better upgrades for your character at the Police Department Armory, such as better zoom for your guns, or a more slow-mo dive. You can also purchase new guns to use. The guns will be in the trunk of your police car that you get from the garage.

Hint: Easy money:
Walk out in front of a car and press Select. The driver will get out. Walk up to the person and press Select again. You will write them a ticket and summon them to court. You will get $10 each time this is done, but also one Bad Cop point.

Go into a store, extort them, then come out. Walk back in and repeat as many times as desired to get more money.

Hint: Easy ranks:
If you do not mind earning Bad Cop points, use the following trick to rank up detective levels easily. Go to a place where there are lots of people, such as Central Park. Frisk as many people as you can, plant evidence, and arrest them. You will get one Bad Cop point if you arrest them correctly. Also, you will get three career points every time you do so. It should only take about a half hour at the most to rank up a level.

Use the following trick to get easy arrests without Bad Cop points. Go into a car dealership or a dojo and frisk all the customers inside. All the customers will have something for you to take as evidence. Arrest them for extra career points.

For easy arrests, run and tackle people, then punch them about three times. Get off them and someone near or that person will start to fight with you. Knock them out and arrest them.

Hint: Reload stun gun:
Commandeer any police cruiser, open the trunk, and you can then reload your stun gun. This can be done repeatedly whenever the gun is low or empty.

Hint: Keeping weapons:
If you get a heavy weapon like a parking meter, when you try to switch weapons you will drop it. If you want to keep it, press Select and Marcus will flash his badge. While he is doing that, press D-pad Up and the weapon will be in your inventory.

Hint: Reloading:
There are two ways to reload your ammunition. The first is by accessing the trunk of any car that you own. This also gives you access to your personal armory. The other way is to get a police car then access its truck. Using the police car will refill all your weapons but will not give you access to your personal armory.

Hint: Melee heads:
Go into any building and draw a weapon to scare the people out. When they all leave, the door should be left open. If you watch closely, you will notice people walking by outside the store. Equip your rotary cannon. When a pedestrian walks by press R3 and try to shoot them directly in the ear. If done correctly, their head will be shot off in one piece, roll into the building, and can be used as a melee weapon. This may require a few attempts.

Hint: Instant amputees:
To perform this trick, you will need to have the rotary cannon or two .50 pistols Equip either the rotary cannon or dual-wield the .50 caliber pistols. Press R3 and aim at any pedestrian. To remove the head, aim for a headshot, and when the target turns red fire once. To remove the left or right arm, aim at the desired shoulder and fire two shots. For the arm to come off you must hit exactly the center of the shoulder. If you shoot slightly outside, the leg might come off. To remove either of the legs, aim at the desired hip and fire two shots. Note: Only one limb or the head may be removed per pedestrian. Sometimes the head may come off in one piece or it may splatter into chunks. The removed limbs cannot be used as melee weapons at all times. If only one shot is delivered to the shoulder, the pedestrian will die but no limbs will be removed.

Hint: RPG fun:
Equip the RPG. Turn on Super Cop mode. Enable the "Invincibility" and "Infinite Ammo" options at the "Debug: menu. Fill up your Rogue Meter, have the RPG out, and run. The cops will follow you. The further you run, the more of them will be behind you. Sometimes they will send S.W.A.T. teams after you. Just dodge them. If you want to kill them quickly and easily, equip your rotary cannon and press R3 as soon as you hear them radio out the S.W.A.T. When you see them, shoot until you see a big puff of black smoke above the hood. Do the same thing with the blue escorting cruiser. Sometimes they will escape. Continue running as long as desired, then equip your RPG, and without turning around, immediately press R3. Then turn, aim at the cluster of cops, and fire away. You should hear a few last cries and see about twenty to forty small "+20 BAD" messages above your badge on the screen. Repeat as many times as desired. When done, , press Select to flash your badge or fire a warning shot and clear your Rogue Meter.

Hint: Reducing crime rates:
If you are trying to reduce precinct crime rates, go into a pharmacy. When you get inside, frisk everybody there. The following are the predicted amounts of people holding contraband.

High crime rate: Approximately everybody.
Medium crime rate: Approximately 50% of the people.
Low crime rate: Approximately two to five people.

Start at the back of the pharmacy. Work your way to the front of the pharmacy by arresting people with contraband. If the person is clean, walk them to the front of the pharmacy and release them there. Hide behind the back shelves when you arrest him or her so that no one else will see you. Do this so that nobody with contraband runs out of the place.

Hint: Lower Rogue meter:
To allow your rogue meter to cool down, just enter any subway station. Cops will not follow you down and you will be safe.

Hint: Kill without filling the Rouge meter:
Kill a group of people to fill your Rogue meter. Once the cops come after you, let them kill you. After you are put you on street patrol, leave the station. Enable the "Super Cop" code, and you can now kill as much as you desired without your Rogue meter filing.

Hint: Blow up cars:
Press R3 and point at the back of a car near the license plate until it turns red. Shoot and it will blow up. Note: You may get 10 Bad Cop points. This will not work trucks, buses, fire trucks or anything similar.

Hint: No motorcycle wrecks:
Pop a wheelie and do not stop. Cars will not make you fall off or slow down much.

Hint: Keep car door open after you jump out:
When you jump out you will find that your door is stuck. To keep it open, get in on the passenger side.

Hint: Redman Gone Wild mini-game: More time:
An easy way to get more time is to kill people. It is impossible to complete it by just driving. You must get out and shoot them.

Hint: Grand Theft Auto reference:
When you get the option to start driving taxi missions, Marcus comments that he cannot believe it and says "Next thing, I'll be flying remote control toys and shit." This is obviously a reference to all the RC car/plane/helicopter levels in the Grand Theft Auto series of games.

Hint: Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez reference:
One of your crime calls on your police radio will be a reference to the Puff Daddy and Jennifer Lopez incident in Club New York, a midtown Manhattan nightclub on December 27, 1999. "Puff Doggy (Puff Daddy) and Jo Loleta (J.Lo, Jennifer Lopez) have seen escaping the scene in SUV, apprehend suspects."

Glitch: Wrong subway map:
When you go into the subway, walk from the stairs down to the other end of the platform. There will be a wall, and on the wall is a subway map. However, if you look close, you can see that this is not the NYC subway map; it is actually the map of the Boston, MA public transit system, the MBTA. The words are not there, but the shape of the lines, and the colors are 100% accurate to Boston.

Glitch: Hear turbo boost sound effect when not in car:
If you have acquired the rank 1 driving skill, Turbo Boost. you can hear the sound effect when you are not in a car. To do this, steal or get one of your own cars and press X(3) to activate the boost. Then, quickly exit the car. You will continue to hear the sound effect. To stop this, either get back in the car and do another turbo boost and let it finish, or blow up the car.

Glitch: Swim in air:
Go into any subway. Wait until the subway train arrives, and when it is slightly past you, run into it until the screen turns gray then release the Analog-stick. After a while, Marcus will appear in the middle of the screen swimming. If you move the Analog-stick, he will die and you can repeat the glitch.

Glitch: High freefall:
Enter the "Debug" menu. Note: If you do not want to die afterward, turn on the debug combat option. You should initially have a highlighted "missing text" and "normal" message. Press R3 once to change to "debug", then press Start. Notice that time in the game has frozen. You can move the camera, but not Marcus. Note: This is also useful during a chase if you cannot get a car. Aim the camera upward, hold the Left Analog-stick Forward, and hold R1. Notice that this speeds up movement of the camera. Keep holding that position as long as desired. Eventually past the clouds, sun, and stars you will appear in a light blue area, still moving upward. Press Triangle to bring Marcus to your current location. Go back into the debug menu and change the "missing text" to normal again. Press Start, and Marcus will begin a freefall from the blue area, through the sun, the clouds, and he will eventually hit the ground. Note: Do not try to move while using this trick while in a car or the game will freeze. Also, do not move an extremely long distance from current location or through buildings to avoid freezing the game.

Glitch: Turn Marcus invisible:
Buy a .50 sniper rifle. Go to the driver's side of any car and press R3 then L2. Marcus is now invisible. Get out of the car and Marcus will re-appear in four or five seconds.

Glitch: Gory Marcus:
Enable the "Zombie mode" code once or twice. Run around, drive, dive-tackle pedestrians, and swing melee weapons. Eventually Marcus' head and limbs will reappear, and there will be a bloody meat chunk around his lower jaw. You will be able to see the bones in his knees and elbows, and they will still be spurting blood.

thx gamewinner for this cheats :)

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Need For Speed Carbon Cheats

Extra money:
Press Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Triangle at the main menu. Note: This code can only be used once.

Unlimited crew charge:
Press Down, Up(2), Right, Left(2), Right, Square at the main menu.

Unlimited nitrous:
Press Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Square at the main menu.

Unlimited SpeedBreaker:
Press Down, Right(2), Left, Right, Up, Down, Square at the main menu.

Need For Speed Carbon vinyl:
Press Right, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Square at the main menu.

Cardboard box and driver vinyl:
Press Up(2), Down(4), Up, Square at the main menu.

Extra money:
Have a saved game file from Need for Speed: Most Wanted on your memory card for a $10,000 bonus when you start career mode.

Burnout vinyl:
Have a saved game file from Burnout Revenge on your memory card before starting Need For Speed Carbon to unlock the Burnout vinyl in the bonus section of the vinyls.

Hint: Easier Speedtrap races:
Activate your Blocker/Brawler before the race. While racing and you are coming up to a speed trap, stop your Blocker/Brawler. This will crash the other car(s), and drastically slow down their time. Remember that the peak Blocker/Brawler moment is just before the speed trap.

Hint: Easy wins:
In races where crew members are used, used a scout (Yumi if possible). If you do not win the race, your scout will.

When in Career mode, choose the Exotic class. When you get to the Stacked Deck level, get a Chevrolet Corvette Z06. Once this happens, Neville, Colin, and Nikki will still have exotic cars. Choose one of them and do any race where you can use your wingman. You should have easy win.

Enable the "Unlimited nitrous" and "Unlimited SpeedBreaker" codes. During the race, keep using SpeedBreaker until the end. Also use nitrous through the entire race. This will make it an unfair slow motion race, that is painfully long but a sure win. To boost the effects, enable the "Unlimited crew charge" code as well and have a drafter as active. Then use your drafter during the entire race. It is faster, but still painfully long. Note: This cannot be used in Quick Race, Challenge Series or Canyon Duels.

When you get to the Stacked Deck level and go to do the canyon race for a Lamborghini Murcielago, use a Corvette Z06 stock/custom to overtake him.

Hint: Defeating Darius:
Before you get to challenge Darius, you must race Wolf, Kenji, and Angie in their new rides: Wolf: Lamborghini Gallardo; Kenji: Mitsubishi Evolution; and Angie: Plymouth Hemi Cuda. You will have to defeat them in the canyon, then the city. Both races are sprints. After you defeat them, you will be able to challenge Darius in his Audi Le Mons Quattro. You will not be able to switch cars before each race. Start with the car that you want to use for all four races. The car needed to beat Darius is a Tier 2 Tuner, because they are the best at turns (Canyon Duel). Kenji's Mazda RX-7 is the best car if it is tuned out to the maximum. However, if you did not obtain the pink slip from Kenji, then your best Tier 2 Tuner should be fine, as long as its tuned fully. Defeating Darius will take many attempts, but eventually you will get used to the roads and will be one step ahead of him, making your chances of winning larger every time you race him. Also, if you cannot make it past the first, second, or third race, try enabling the "Unlimited nitrous" code then hold down the nitrous for the entire race, except for sharp turns. You should have a fairly easy win as long as you take all of the shortcuts. If you miss one shortcut, Darius will take it and you will be in last place.

To defeat Darius you must beat Kenji, Wolf, and Angie. To do this easily enable the "Unlimited SpeedBreaker" and "Unlimited nitrous" codes. The best car to use is a fully upgraded Chevrolet Corvette Z06. When you go to race them, hold [Nitrous] then press [SpeedBreaker] and use it the entire time. Although it takes a long time it is worth it. When face Darius in the canyon, accelerate as fast as possible and get him to cushion you. When you go to the inside of him, then just try to stay in front and you should win.

Hint: Easy money:
Once you have completed career mode, set Samson as your wingman with Neville also in your crew. You can repeat any races you have already completed in which a wingman is used and recieve $750 for each race completed instead of the $500 without. This can also be used on first time races for maximum cash output.

The easiest way to break 1 million in Career mode is to start a Muscle career. Race two races in order to unlock the car lot. Then, go to your challenge series and unlock the Nissan 240 (last set of checkpoint challenges). Buy the car in your career. It is possible to complete the entire game with this car. It is important to start as a muscle career so that you unlock Sampson first. Race the entire game with Sampson set as active and Neville in your crew. You can break 1 million with about ten races left over.

Go to the Billings District, Downtown (tuner area). Go to the Mason Fountain race (speed trap race). Do not join it. Drive south of the race. While driving south, there will be a entrance to your right. Take it and you will go off a ramp. Once you go thought the entire shortcut, turn around. Look at your map and there should be a orange arrow. Race the car to any location. When you win, you'll get $1,000. Drive back to the jump and do the same thing again. The orange arrow should appear again. Race the car again for another $1,000. Repeat this as many times as desired. Note: This may take some time.

Hint: Avoiding police:
When being chased by the police, open the GPS map. Locate the nearest orange triangle with the pointer and activate the GPS. It will then show a blue arrow and lead you to the Pursuit Breaker. If the cops are directly behind you, they will stop because they "died". However if you are at heat level 4 or higher, the cops (Corvettes) will just dodge the debris. Once the cops have "died" it will then go into Cooldown mode. Then, just wait until you lose them. There is a faster way to do this. If you go into GPS mode (after you have gone into Cooldown mode), there will be a blue-white dotted circle. Activate the GPS for the circle. Drive toward it and make sure that you are exactly in the middle of the circle. Your Cooldown meter should be drop down faster. After the little screen appears, you should be back to normal.

This technique will work very well if you have a muscle car or something just as good. Use it when the cops are really pestering you (especially the blue cars or Corvettes) and start to corner you against the wall. Enter slow time then crank it to the middle of the road to get free. This technique also is very helpful if you have a flat tire. It might be not as good, but it still may work.

Use the following trick to evade a pursuit with no tires. If you hit a spike strip during a pursuit but near a Pursuit Breaker, hit that Pursuit Breaker as soon as possible. It should take out all the cars in the pursuit because they will be very close or all bunched together. Then, hide somewhere nearby if possible.

Note: This was done in a Mazda RX-7 at Heat level 4. When in pursuit and a spike strip is deployed, you can hit it and still carry on. Your top speed is only about 100 mph and your brakes will fail but you can still keep going. Hit as many Pursuit Breakers as possible and you should lose them.

During the Challenge Series races, you cannot use your [Speedbreaker] to flip police. When doing these types of races, wait until a roadblock has been set up, then try to hit the extreme back corner of the police car. If done correctly, you should slide under their car, flip them, and still be on the road to continue driving.

Hint: Get away from police:
Press Square to activate Speed Breaker. While in Speed Breaker, press X for the hand brake to do a wicked turn-around. Use NOS while accelerating out of the turn-around to gain quick distance between you and the cops.

Hint: Easy drift combo multiplier:
Start a drift race in the city. Make sure it is not a canyon drift. You will see a red bar across the road that stops your drift points around corners, then there will be a green bar. As soon as your front tires hit the green bar start to drift. You will get an automatic x2 combo multiplier. On some races if the bonus zone (yellow lines on sides on road) is too far away, it will give you no multiplier.

Hint: Avoid flipping:
When you are about to flip, hit the nitrous. It will stabilize your car and you will not flip.

Hint: Using SpeedBreakers effectively:
When you reach a sharp turn that requires you to use a SpeedBreaker, make sure that before you use it that you have already started a slight turn. When you get into SpeedBreaker status, turn hard, but not so hard that you start to fishtail. It should be more like a half push on the Analog-stick. Leave it there for a split second. Once you have started to turn sharply, do not do anything else except keep pressure on the throttle. If you start to fishtail, turn until your wheels are going the direction you want to travel to come out of the SpeedBreaker with good speed. Make sure the camera is behind the car instead of looking at its side. Then, release the SpeedBreaker and use the nitrous (if available).

Hint: Free performance parts:
Go into "My Crew" then choose a crew member. Select the "View Car" option. Then, customize it. You can paint it whatever color desired, and because your crew members cars are not tuned you can buy them performance parts for free.

Hint: Vauxhall Monaro VXR handling:
When the Vauxhall Monaro VXR's handling is maxed out, the game states that the handling stat is as high as possible. However, it still slides when it turns but it is more controllable than, for example a Dodge Charger RT. The turning radius is a bit wide. It will hit the walls quite a bit unless you find a way to narrow the radius.

Hint: Police codes:
During police chases, cops will use such term like "10-79" or "Code 6 Driver". Here are the meanings of these terms.

Code 3: In pursuit of high speed driver.

Code 6: High speed driver who refuses to pull over for police.

10-33: Is in a need for more backup units.

10-39: Police will attempt to spin your car.

10-59: Police are going to attempt to pin you against a wall.

10-73: This is a roadblock.

10-75: Police are going to pull in front of your car and slam on the breaks (very affective with Corvettes).

Setting up a quadrant: Police are going to set up in a certain direction to find you.

Taking out a P.C.: When you have "killed" a patrol car.

Hint: Crew members:
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding crew member.

Neville: Available at start.
Sal: Joins after four to six races.
Yumi: Joins after defeating Kenji/Bushido.
Colin: Joins after defeating Wolf/TFK.
Samson: Joins after defeating Angie/21st Street.
Nikki: Joins after defeating all three beginning Bosses.

Hint: Cars:
Complete the indicated area in the listed career to unlock the corresponding car.




Chevrolet Corvette Z06


Shady Pine

Chevrolet Corvette Z06


Canmor Downs

Dodge Charger SRT-8


Mason District

Dodge Viper SRT-10


Neon Mile

Dodge Viper SRT-10


Shady Pine

Ford GT


Starlight Strip

Ford GT


Silverton Refinery

Ford GT


Infinity Park

Ford Mustang GT


Kempton Holdings

Ford Mustang GT


The Projects

Ford Musting GT


Kempton Holdings

Ford Shelby GT500


Diamond Hills

Lamborghini Gallardo


Diamond Hills

Lotus Elise


Ocean View

Lotus Elise


Hills Borough

Lotus Elise


South Fortuna

Mercedes SL65 AMG


Morgan Beach

Mercedes SLR McLaren


Neon Mile

Mercedes SLR McLaren


Infinity Park

Mercedes SLR McLaren


Silverton Refinery

Mitsubishi Eclipse GT


Old Quarter

Mitsubishi Eclipse GT


Kings Park

Mitsubishi Eclipse GT


Old Quarter

Nissan 350Z


Diamond Hills

Nissan Skyline GT-R R34


Canmor Downs

Plymouth Barracuda


Starlight Strip

Porsche Carerra GT


Canmor Downs

Porsche Cayman S


Mason District

Porsche Cayman S


South Fortuna

Porsche Cayman S


Hills Borough

Renault Clio V6


Historic Chinatown

Renault Clio V6


Old Quarter

Renault Clio V6


Fortuna Heights

Subaru Impreza WRX STi


Silverton Refinery

Subaru Impreza WRX STi


Starlight Strip

Toyota Supra


Infinity Park

Toyota Supra


Shady Pine

Toyota Supra


Neon Mile

Vauxhall Monaro VXR


The Projects

Vauxhall Monaro VXR


Fortuna Heights

Vauxhall Monaro VXR


Kempton Holdings

Volkswagen Golf R32


Morgan Beach

Complete the indicated task to unlock these additional cars. They will appear in the "Custom" area when selecting a car in Quick Race mode.

Audi Le Mans Quattro: Complete the game.

BMW M3 GTR: Complete Reward Card.

Cross Corvette Z06: Complete Reward Card.

Mitsubishi Eclipse 1999: Complete Reward Card.

Hint: Parts:
Complete the indicated area in the listed career to unlock the corresponding part package.




Brakes - Tier 1 Pro


Billings District

Brakes - Tier 1 Street


Hills Borough

Brakes - Tier 2 Pro


Billings District

Brakes - Tier 2 Pro


Billings District

Brakes - Tier 2 Pro


Ocean View

Engine - Tier 1 Pro


Morgan Beach

Engine - Tier 1 Pro


Historic Chinatown

Engine - Tier 1 Street


The Projects

Engine - Tier 1 Street


Kings Park

Engine - Tier 2 Pro


Palmont University

Engine - Tier 2 Street


Eskuri Plaza

Engine - Tier 2 Street


Newport Industrial Park

Suspension - Tier 2 Pro


Kings Park

Suspension - Tier 2 Pro


Eskuri Plaza

Transmission - Tier 1 Pro


Eskuri Plaza

Transmission - Tier 1 Street


South Fortuna

Transmission - Tier 1 Street


Newport Industrial Park

Transmission - Tier 1 Street


Mason District

Transmission - Tier 2 Pro


Newport Industrial Park

Transmission - Tier 2 Pro


Ocean View

Transmission - Tier 2 Pro


Palmont University

Turbo - Tier 1 Pro


Palmont University

Turbo - Tier 1 Street


Fortuna Heights

Turbo - Tier 2 Pro


Historic Chinatown

Hint: Collectors edition cars:
Complete the following events in the Challenge Series to unlock the corresponding car.

Aston Martin DB9 (Exotic): Defeat Wolf in Boss Battle mode.

Dodge Charger RT Classic (Muscle): Defeat the 21st Muscle Car Gang.

Jaguar XK 2007 (Exotic): Complete all three Turf War races.

Mazda RX7 (Tuner): Defeat Kenji in Boss Battle mode.

Nissan 240SX (Tuner): Complete all three Checkpoint challenges.

Custom cars

Glitch: Cannot pick marker from Darius:
After you defeat Darius, the game just goes to an intermission sequence then a message appears stating that you have won the game. You do not get to pick a marker from him. Even though you can still play career mode, you have to go to Quick Race to view and/or drive his Audi Le Mons Quattro in the "Custom" section.

Glitch: Missing side mirror on Angie's Dodge Charger R/T:
In Career mode, when you get to challenge Angie (21st Street), win the races she gives you. When you get to choose two markers. Get the pink slip. Go to your safe house and go to "Car Select". During customization, notice that the right side mirror is missing.

Glitch: Police radio codes from Need For Speed Most Wanted:
When tearing up the city and you hear the police say that there have been complaints, they will say "Attention Rosewood District" to get the attention of all units. Rosewood is a borough in Need For Speed Most Wanted. There is no Rosewood in Need For Speed Carbon.

Glitch: Avoid losing turf:
When you see a message announcing an intrusion of your turf or when you are racing for it, restart the PlayStation2. You will not lose turf.

(i get this cheats from game winners=thx)